Siobhan and David's Wedding Charlotte, NC
photographer's notes - Siobhan and David chose to get married at the
beautiful uptown church, St. Peter's Episcopal. Whenever I'm shooting
there, I can't help but recall my days at NYU...the look and feel of this
quaint church reminds me of the churches that are nestled amongst the
skyscrapers in lower Manhattan. From the distinctive red doors to the
terra cotta walls, the effect is atmospheric and utterly charming.
Siohban seemed completely at ease on her wedding day, we had a great
series that we shot in the courtyard before the ceremony. Her groom,
David, qualifies as one of the "all time best dressed" gentlemen I've ever
had the pleasure to work with - I liked the stylin' aviator sunglasses he
Before the reception got underway, we had a bit of good luck shooting our
portraits of the newlyweds in the Queen City Room at the City Club - there
are few uptown scenics more dramatic than sunset in that particular room,
the late day light just blazes in through the west windows!
DJ: Split Second Sound
Cake: Cheesecake Etc.
Venue: Charlotte City Club
Flowers: New Creations Flower Co.
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